"...rightly dividing the word of truth."

2 TIMOTHY 2:15

Verse by Verse

Walking through the Bible with verse by verse teaching.

Practical Application

Allowing the knowledge of the Bible translate into everyday life.

Daily Discipleship

Bible teaching is available daily on the radio and online providing regular discipleship.


Each of the Bible Teachers on GraceFM come from a wide variety of backgrounds and each has a unique teaching style that not only blesses but encourages the body as a whole.

Passionate about the Word, passionate about reaching the lost for Christ, and passionate about encouraging the saints on a daily basis.






12:00AM - 7:00AM | MUSIC

At Lead2Serve Pastor Ed Taylor discusses the value of servant leadership. We recognize the best leaders will always first be the best servants. From Church Planters to Senior Pastors, Sunday School teachers to CEO's, the wisdom shared will be a great benefit to your life! Pastor Ed is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Church, in Aurora Colorado

7:30AM - 1:00PM | MUSIC

The GraceFM SWAG Booth is pre-scheduled for multiple events, if you would like to request the booth for your next event please email with the request and event details.


At Lead2Serve Pastor Ed Taylor discusses the value of servant leadership. We recognize the best leaders will always first be the best servants. From Church Planters to Senior Pastors, Sunday School teachers to CEO's, the wisdom shared will be a great benefit to your life! Pastor Ed is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Church, in Aurora Colorado

1:30PM - 6:00PM | MUSIC
7:30PM - 12:00AM | MUSIC


12:00AM- 5:00AM | MUSIC

On November 29, 1975, 3 years after accepting Jesus Christ, Raul Ries was ordained by Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and his small home Bible study grew into the Fox Theater, then to Calvary Chapel West Covina and eventually into Calvary Chapel Golden Springs in Diamond Bar, California in 1993.

Although already ordained, Ries desired to study God’s Word more in-depth so he attended APU where he received his Master of Ministry, a Master of Divinity and a Master of Arts in Religion between 1976 and 1990. He went on to Fuller Theological Seminary to receive his Doctorate of Ministry in 1992.

Ries believed that he would teach and preach his entire life. However, his ability to serve the Lord almost came to an end in February, 2007. At his Wednesday evening service, Raul knew something was wrong physically but what lay ahead was unexpected.

Raul experienced flashbacks for the first time since the Vietnam War.

He knew, rationally, that he was in his home but the fears of war came rushing back. He lay prostrate in his home, praying and praising the Lord as tears ran down his face. He and his wife, Sharon, thought their time in ministry was over.

The flashbacks grew more frequent and more intense. After testing, he was diagnosed with seizures that affect the five senses.

His family, the body of Christ and Pastor Chuck Smith prayed for him and he felt the Holy Spirit heal him. He has not experienced another flashback.

Today, more than 35 years after his miraculous conversion, Ries is heard internationally on more than 350 radio stations and translators on his daily syndicated radio program, Somebody Loves You and is the evangelist for the Somebody Loves You Crusades.


Pastor Fernando Ortiz was born in Tacoma, Washington and before settling in Colorado he lived all over including Germany and Korea! He grew up going to church in Albuquerque, New Mexico and received Jesus as his Savior in Jr. High.

Fernando attended Calvary Chapel Bible College in Murrieta California, and then completed a Pastoral Internship at Calvary of Albuquerque, under Pastor Skip Heitzig. After that, he moved to Calvary Chapel Rio Rancho in New Mexico where he served as the youth pastor for three years. Following this the Lord called him to Denver to serve as an associate pastor at Calvary South Denver for six years. And then, in 2009, Mile High Calvary began as a small Bible study and has grown into a thriving fellowship today in Highlands Ranch, Colorado.

Fernando’s heart is to communicate the gospel to all of Denver and see people come to know Jesus as their Lord. He and his wife Carol have been married 10 years and have three children.

Philippians 3:10 “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death…”


Pastor Eric Cartier believes the Lord’s house should be one of prayer and that the Bible should be taught verse-by-verse. His desire is to lead by example, to be a disciple, to make disciples, and to share God’s loving kindness with others.

Born and raised in Grants Pass, Oregon, Eric attended Applegate Christian Fellowship and came to know the Lord 28 years ago. Through teachings at Applegate and Calvary Bible College, God began to equip him for a life of ministry.

In March 2000, he accepted a permanent position with Rocky Mountain Calvary in Colorado Springs, Colorado that grew into overseeing and ministering to both teenagers and young adults. After five years of service, he accepted the position of senior pastor.

Eric is devoted to his beautiful wife of more than 10 years, Amber, and their three daughters. When he isn’t spending time with his family and serving the fellowship, he likes to hike, bike, snowboard, and camp – anything outdoors. Eric’s encouragement to new believers? “Commit to being in the Word and prayer.”

Philippians 1:6

“Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.”


Al was born in Panama City, Florida in 1955. His father was a career soldier, so the family traveled extensively. In 1973, when Al was seventeen years old, the family returned from a tour in Germany and settled in Colorado Springs. Soon after, Al realized God’s call on his life and began serving in the music ministry as a bass guitarist with a Christian band called, “The Rays of Light.” It was during this time that Al met Norma, and they were married on July 19, 1975.

Al attended Nazarene Bible College in Colorado Springs, graduating in 1977 with a degree in Biblical Studies. Several years later he visited Calvary Chapel, which had opened across the street from where he worked. After attending one service, he was hooked, rejoicing to be taught the Word of God. He couldn’t get enough, and became involved in the worship band at Calvary Chapel, as well as performing with a local contemporary Christian band. In 1980, the Lord granted Al the privilege of becoming a full-time staff member with Calvary Chapel of Colorado Springs, where he conducted Friday evening outreach concerts along with other pastoral duties assigned to him. In 1991 Al and his family moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and two years later he joined the staff of Calvary Chapel Albuquerque as an assistant pastor and co-worship leader.

In 2006, Al earned his Master’s degree from Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Al and Norma are the proud parents of three children, Renee, Nathan and Reggie, as well as proud grandparents. They covet your prayers for their family and ministry as they endeavor to live a life pleasing to the Father. More info about Pastor Al can be found at


Pastor Ed Taylor grew up in Southern California. Having responded to the gospel in 1991 at Calvary Chapel Downey, he spent eight years learning, growing, and serving there. In July of 1999, sensing the call of God, Ed and his family moved to the Denver area hoping to be used by God. In December 1999, Calvary Church began Sunday services in Aurora, and today it impacts the community for Jesus in wonderful ways.


Pastor Ed's heart is to be transparent from the pulpit for he truly desires that everyone, from all walks of life, will embrace Jesus and grow in His grace. Ed and his wife, Marie, have been married for over 27 years and have three children – of whom their elder son, Eddie, went to be with the Lord in 2013. Ed and Marie also have a precious grandson, Eddie’s son, Levi.

Ed is the author of the book "Ordinary Servant," the host of the Lead2Serve Podcast, and the Bible Teacher of Abounding Grace, a national radio broadcast.


Greg Laurie is the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship with campuses in California and Hawaii. He began his pastoral ministry at the age of 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed that small group into a church of some 15,000 people. Today, Harvest is one of the largest churches in America.

In 1990, Greg Laurie began holding large-scale public evangelistic events called Harvest Crusades. Since that time, more than 5.6 million people have attended Harvest Crusades events around the United States and internationally. More than 476,000 people have registered professions of faith through these outreaches.

Along with his work at Harvest Ministries, Greg Laurie served as the 2013 Honorary Chairman of the National Day of Prayer, and also serves on the board of directors of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. He holds honorary doctorates from Biola University and Azusa Pacific University.

Greg Laurie has a daily nationally syndicated radio program, A New Beginning, which is broadcast on more than 800 radio outlets around the world, as well as a weekly television program.

Greg Laurie has authored over 70 books including Live Love FightTell SomeoneGreatest Stories Ever ToldHope for Hurting HeartsAs It Is in Heaven, and his autobiography, Lost Boy. The accompanying documentary film, Lost Boy: The Next Chapter has won eight awards at international film festivals. His most recent film, Hope for Hurting Hearts, features his story of trusting God through tragedy.

Greg has been married to Cathe Laurie for 42 years and he has two sons, Christopher and Jonathan. Christopher went to be with the Lord in 2008. Greg and Cathe also have five grandchildren.


Pastor Mike McCarrick was raised in a Christian home and gave his heart to Jesus at a young age. Helping set up church each week and learning about all the areas of ministry, it wasn’t long before he felt called to a life of ministry. Over the years, he has been privileged to serve in youth ministry, in worship ministry, as missionary, and as pastor.

After marrying Lauren, his high school sweetheart, they served as missionaries to the Bahamas and Brazil with Patmos Realty Discipleship for a year. He has since been serving at Cornerstone Calvary Chapel, now Cornerstone Church, as Worship Pastor, Assistant Pastor and recently stepped into the role as the Lead Pastor. He is humbled and excited to see the work of God continue there. He and his wife have four energetic and sweet kids: Hannah, Michael, Caleb and Madison.

Pastor Mike is excited to bring his radio program, Built Radio, Building Up In Love Together to GraceFM. He is passionate about sharing the love of Jesus through the Word of God.


Calvary Church Live is the live audio stream of Calvary Church in Aurora, CO - the home church of Pastor Ed Taylor for over 23 years.

Live service times are (Mountain Time):

8:45AM & 10:45AM Sundays

7PM Wednesdays

6PM Saturdays

You can find out more about Calvary Church at:

You can also watch the service online at:

10:15AM - 10:45 | MUSIC

Calvary Church Live is the live audio stream of Calvary Church in Aurora, CO - the home church of Pastor Ed Taylor for over 23 years.

Live service times are (Mountain Time):

8:45AM & 10:45AM Sundays

7PM Wednesdays

6PM Saturdays

You can find out more about Calvary Church at:

You can also watch the service online at:

12:15PM - 12:30PM | MUSIC

Pastor Brian Brodersen grew up in Southern California. He became a Christian at age 22 and began attending Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, pastored by Chuck Smith. He met his wife, Cheryl, the youngest daughter of Pastor Chuck and Kay Smith, at a Bible study in Huntington Harbor. They were married on May 23, 1980, and have four grown children, five grandsons, and one granddaughter.


Brian served in youth ministry and taught Bible studies. Then in 1983, he and Cheryl moved to Vista, California, where he assumed the pastorate of Calvary Chapel Vista. During those years, he began traveling overseas, initially to Yugoslavia and Hungary, and this led to Calvary Chapel’s outreach to Eastern Europe. Many young men and women were sent out from California in those early days of ministry as pastors and missionaries, and currently there are numerous churches, Bible colleges, and retreat centers all over Western and Eastern Europe.


In 1996, the Brodersen family moved to London, England, to plant Calvary Chapel Westminster. The church began small, but God blessed the ministry, and thankfully, there are now dozens of affiliated Calvary Chapel churches throughout Great Britain.


In the year 2000, at the request of Pastor Chuck, the family returned to California to transition into the pastorate of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. Brian began ministering alongside Pastor Chuck, as well as traveling and teaching at many conferences both nationally and internationally. Pastor Brian was elected to serve as senior pastor in October 2013.


Brian is known for his clear and challenging exposition of the Scriptures and can be heard daily on his Bible-teaching program, Back to Basics.


As a pastor, church planter and missionary, Pastor Nick has a heart for the global mission of God through the Church.

Nick grew up in Denver, and came to know the Lord as a teenager. After finishing school, Nick spent 10 years as a missionary in Eastern Europe, first working with refugees and then church planting and pastoring churches in Hungary with Calvary Chapel. The churches Nick planted in the cities of Eger and Heves are now led by local leaders who were raised up through that ministry.

10 years later, the Lord led Nick and his family back to Colorado to be a part of the work that God is doing through White Fields Community Church in Longmont and beyond. Nick’s desire is to train and send people on God’s mission into His mission field: all the world, which He loves and for whom He gave His Son, Jesus.


Born in the steel town of Gary, Indiana, Tony, along with his older brother and sister, was raised by loving parents who instilled the ethics of hard work and moral character. As a youngster, he dutifully attended weekly church services, yet had no understanding of what it meant to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

He went to church on Sundays, but lived life “his own way” Monday through Saturday. Growing up, not only was Tony an exceptional athlete but he also excelled academically. Because of his God-given ability, after graduation, Tony was offered an academic scholarship to Indiana State University and a baseball scholarship to Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. With both of these great opportunities available, Tony contemplated which scholarship he would choose. He chose the academic route and attended Indiana State. Though he didn’t know it at the time, Tony’s decision would change the course of his life forever!

After his first year in college, Tony decided to marry his high school sweetheart, Jenise, and join the United States Marine Corps. After boot camp, instead of starting a life with his new bride, Tony received military orders to be stationed in Okinawa, Japan. Going to this foreign land was more than an overseas adventure because it was here that he made a life-changing God commitment. He thrived in this newfound relationship and began learning about the Bible. It was in Okinawa that the Lord revealed to Tony that one day he would become a pastor.

When Tony returned to the states, he continued in his walk with the Lord and became an assistant pastor with a local church. Still in the Marine Corps and stationed at Camp Pendleton, in San Mateo, Tony had a 70 mile round trip commute. He would use this time to learn more about the Bible by tuning in to Calvary Chapel’s radio station, KWAVE. Over time, Tony grew increasingly interested in the “new” teaching style of Calvary Chapel and began attending Calvary Chapel Vista.

When Tony’s enlistment in the Marine Corps ended, he was asked by Pastor Brian Brodersen to join his pastoral staff. After a few years at Calvary Chapel Vista, Tony began thinking about the idea of pastoring a church. But where would it be? Only God would know!

Joey Buran, who, at the time pastored Calvary Chapel Hampton Roads, would periodically call Tony to tell him about the ministry opportunities in Virginia. Even though Tony had never been to the East Coast, he decided to visit Virginia. After much prayer, Tony knew for certain that Newport News, Virginia was the place that God would have him to be a pastor.

In September 1994, Tony, Jenise, and their three children, Erin, Tony Jr., and Eric, made the trek from Vista, California to Newport News, Virginia. October 1994 marks the date that Calvary Chapel Newport News was established.

Today, Calvary Chapel Newport News is a multi-cultural fellowship with members from over 30 countries represented. More than 2,500 people call Calvary Chapel Newport News home and are inspired by Tony’s simplistic, yet life-changing teaching style. A sought after Bible teacher, he often travels around the country to preach the Gospel message. His radio program, “The Word Made Plain,” is heard daily by millions.

Though Tony didn’t know it, God directed his life from the very beginning. For example, KWAVE, the radio station that Tony listened to as a young marine during his long commute to work, now airs his weekly messages!

The desire of Tony’s heart is to see the community of Newport News and the Hampton Roads area transformed by continuing to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ. Tony continues to heed the call by passionately studying God’s Word, prayerfully seeking the Lord’s direction for His church, and vigorously pouring love into the lives of the people God leads his way – persevering until He comes!


Mark has been serving in pastoral ministry since 1992 and began Calvary Knoxville in 1997. As the founding and lead pastor Mark oversees all areas of ministry.

His primary focus, however, are our two corporate meeting times where he teaches our adult congregation systematically through God’s word, equipping us for the work of the ministry.

Mark’s desire is that the congregation of Calvary would be the best fed and most loved people in Knoxville and abroad.


Pastor Matt Korniotes came to know the Lord in September of 2005 at a Calvary Chapel Men’s Conference in Lynchburg, Virgina. As he grew in the Lord, he began to serve in several capacities at Calvary Chapel including both practically and spiritually. After just a couple of years of attending Calvary Chapel and serving the Lord as a lay leader, the Assistant Pastor stepped out in faith to begin a church plant in Warrenton, Virginia. Shortly thereafter, the Lord raised Matt up formally to serve as Assistant Pastor.

In June of 2010, Matt and his wife April prayerfully made the decision to heed the calling of the Lord and step out in faith. In Sept of 2010, they arrived in Colorado and immediately began to serve practically at the local church. Pastor Matt established stable housing and then waited on the timing of the Lord to start a fresh work. Finally, on 13 March 2011, the doors of Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek were opened and Pastor Matt began serving the community through the simple teaching of the Word of God, line upon line.

Since that time Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek has been exceedingly blessed by the Lord! Beginning their worship services meeting at a middle school in Centennial, Colorado, the fellowship quickly grew and in May of 2012 the Lord provided a church space for them within the Southfield Shopping Center in Centennial. Only a year later, the Lord provided exceedingly and abundantly by giving them the church that Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek now calls home! The church facility located in Centennial features a large meeting room, a magnificent kitchen with several stoves, ovens and sinks (with capacity to serve wonderful meals and support fellowship/community events), an ample community pantry, a free thrift store (C4 First Fruits Ministry), a spacious nursery, an arcade for the youth, a large youth room and numerous classrooms for discipleship, Bible studies, casual meetings and formal counseling as well as childrens’ ministry! Calvary Cherry Creek is also active with U-Turn for Christ based in Colorado Springs where Matt frequently visits to teach and encourage them in the Lord.

If you ask Matt if he’s a senior pastor, a church planter, an apostle or a disciple…he’ll simply answer that he’s just a rescued sinner and now his life returned to the One who saved him is only his reasonable service as the lead servant of Calvary Chapel.


Jon Courson has amassed more than 1,500 expositional and topical Bible studies during his ministry. He is the author of A Future and a Hope, A Day’s Journey, and A Place For You, A Pillar By Day, and the 3-volume Jon Courson’s Application Commentary.

In 1977, Jon Courson founded the Applegate Christian Fellowship, a non-denominational church in southern Oregon with a congregation of twenty people. The congregation grew to over 8,000 under Courson’s leadership. In 2002, Courson accepted a request to join his longtime mentor and friend Chuck Smith at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in California. In 2005, Courson moved on to teach at a pastor training school in Carmen Serdan, Mexico for young men. In March of 2006 Jon left Carmen Serdan to move back to southern Oregon to join his son Peter-John Courson pastoring at Applegate Christian Fellowship.

He also continues to teach the pastor training school which was relocated to the Mountaintop Retreat Center, which is a part of the ministry of Applegate Christian Fellowship. Jon lives in Southern Oregon with his wife Tammy. They have four children and two grandchildren. Jon’s first wife went home to be with the Lord a number of years ago. Jessie, his eldest daughter, went home to be with the Lord when she was 16 years old. Both died in car accidents.


When Pastor Jim was 17 years old and a senior in High School, he heard for the first time that Jesus loved him, died for him and if he would receive Him, He would give him everlasting life. Jim said yes and Jesus changed his life.

A few years later he was given an opportunity to teach the Bible for the first time, and from that day, he knew what God had called him to do: teach others the simple truths about Jesus. When Jim was 23, he was hired as an assisting pastor at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa where he served in youth ministry until 1998.

He has been pastoring Calvary Chapel Vero Beach since 1998. His heart’s desire for God’s people can be summed up in Paul’s words to the Ephesians: “‘Til we come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” Jim believes that the desire of God and the purpose of the Church is to be a place where we can grow in our relationship with Christ through the study of His Word.


At the age of 13, Pastor Ryan moved from upstate New York to East Central Florida where he grew up. During his senior year in high school, he met his wife, Megan, and they were married in July of 1997.

Shortly after, Pastor Ryan joined the US Army where he was an M1A1 Armor Crewman. After responding to the Gospel in 1999, Pastor Ryan immediately began to sense a call on his life. After many failures and many ups and downs, he submitted to God's will and started serving at Calvary Chapel Melbourne in Melbourne, FL.

It was there he attended a School of Ministry and Calvary Chapel Bible College. Over the years the Lord has blessed him with 4 beautiful children and 1 amazing granddaughter. In May of 2017, Pastor Ryan was sent out to plant a church in Colorado. After 3 1/2 years of planting Calvary Impact Church, he handed it over to leadership, sensing God calling him back to Florida to plant Abide Calvary in Sebastian Florida, launching August 1, 2021.


Pastor Ed Taylor grew up in Southern California. Having responded to the gospel in 1991 at Calvary Chapel Downey, he spent eight years learning, growing, and serving there. In July of 1999, sensing the call of God, Ed and his family moved to the Denver area hoping to be used by God. In December 1999, Calvary Church began Sunday services in Aurora, and today it impacts the community for Jesus in wonderful ways.


Pastor Ed's heart is to be transparent from the pulpit for he truly desires that everyone, from all walks of life, will embrace Jesus and grow in His grace. Ed and his wife, Marie, have been married for over 27 years and have three children – of whom their elder son, Eddie, went to be with the Lord in 2013. Ed and Marie also have a precious grandson, Eddie’s son, Levi.

Ed is the author of the book "Ordinary Servant," the host of the Lead2Serve Podcast, and the Bible Teacher of Abounding Grace, a national radio broadcast.


Originally from Tucson, Arizona, Pastor Eric and his family moved to Jacksonville, Florida in 2012 to plant Reach Jax.

Pastor Eric worked at Calvary Tucson as an Assistant pastor for 10 years before God called him to plant.

Since planting the church, the Lord has stretched, challenged, changed and blessed Eric in ways that he could have never prepared for. Much of his real life experience is seen in his practical and biblical teachings.


Pastor Jeff was ordained at Rocky Mountain Calvary Chapel in Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1992, where he served as an assistant pastor. In January of 1996, the Lord led Jeff and his wife Sue to Greeley, Colorado, where they started a Bible study in their living room. One year later, Calvary Chapel Greeley had its first Sunday morning service in a small facility in downtown Greeley.

Pastor Jeff has been faithful to give the “whole counsel of God’s Word” to his fellowship, teaching verse-by-verse through the entire Bible.

Since 2001, Jeff has served as a chaplain to the Weld County Sheriff’s Office.

Jeff and Sue have been married for 30 years and have four wonderful children – Barbara, Luke, Rachael, and David.


In 1965 Pastor Chuck Smith started his ministry at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. Beginning with a mere 25 people, he saw God bless his simple, yet consistent style of teaching straight through the Bible.

Today Calvary Chapel draws over 10,000 attendees weekly. With a genuine heart for the lost, Pastor Chuck made room in his ministry for a generation of hippies, surfers, and drug addicts.

This generated a stirring of the Holy Spirit, which spread from the California coast to the Atlantic and beyond. This movement was instrumental in bringing thousands of young people to Jesus Christ during the 60s and 70s in what was known as the Jesus People Movement.


Damian Kyle is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Modesto.

He committed his life to the Lord in 1980 at Calvary Chapel Napa California at the age of 25. He had previously been employed as a cable splicer with a phone company. He and his family moved from Napa to Modesto in June of 1985 to plant a Calvary Chapel with the blessing of their home church.

He has two children, Tyler and Morgan, with his wife Karin.


Pastor John was born and raised in the south, where he grew up in the church and watched his parents faithfully worship and serve the Lord. At the age of seven, John asked Jesus to be his Savior.

After graduating from Auburn University in 1999, John and his wife Amy were married and moved to Colorado. After a few months, they began attending Horizon Christian Fellowship Denver, a church committed to the Word. Under the tutelage of Pastor Dave Love, John served as both a worship leader and a home fellowship teacher for 10 years. During this time, the Lord also blessed John and Amy with three beautiful children.

In 2010, John felt God’s calling to plant a church in Golden, Colorado and was ordained as a pastor through Horizon Denver. For a year and a half John served as the pastor of Horizon Golden and was blessed to see the congregation grow both in fellowship and spiritual maturity. In February 2012, the Lord called John away from Horizon Golden to become the pastor at Legacy Christian Fellowship. Though the move was unexpected, John learned through the process that when the Lord says “move,” you MOVE!

John believes strongly that the Christian walk must be shepherded by the Word, and he is committed to teaching the Bible chapter-by-chapter and verse-by-verse. John also keeps his eyes fixed on the Calvary Chapel vision: Win, Disciple, Send. WIN people to the Lord, DISCIPLE them to follow Christ, and SEND them out to witness for Christ by the leading of the Holy Spirit.


Dominic is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Saint Cloud. He came to faith in Jesus through a faithful friend in college. Since then, he has dedicated his life to proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ through the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. Dominic began to develop his calling in pastoral ministry as an assisting pastor.

In October 2004, the Lord called Dominic and his wife, Danielle, to start a Calvary Chapel in Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where they have been faithful in their endeavor to strengthen God’s people with grace (Hebrews 13:9).

In addition to ministry within the church, Pastor Dominic serves on the board of the Pregnancy Resource Center and the St. Cloud Christian School. He also developed and oversees the chaplain program at the Saint Cloud YMCA, furthering his ability to reach the community for Jesus. 

​Life Verse: “But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”

​– Acts 20:24

7:45PM - 8:00PM | MUSIC

Jack Hibbs is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, located in Southern California.

The church began in 1990 as a home fellowship church plant and today, with God’s blessing, the church ministers to tens of thousands each week.

Real Life is the media ministry of Jack Hibbs. Starting with Real Life Radio in 2005, todays Real Life Ministry also includes Real Life TV, Real Life Devotions, the Real Life App and the Real Life YouTube channel, as well as many other media outlets.

He is best known for his prophetic study of the Bible and his passionate expositional teaching of God’s word.

Pastor Jack and his wife, Lisa have been married for over forty years. He, his wife, and family live in Southern California


Skip Heitzig is a native of southern California, and experienced the volatile days of the counter-culture in the late 60s and early 70s. Though raised in a religious home, Skip saw religion as a dead-end street with no answers. As a teenager, he got caught up in drugs and ventured into the occult. But God reached Skip one day in 1973 as he was watching a Billy Graham crusade on TV. The Gospel message penetrated his soul and he knelt and prayed to receive Christ.

Skip studied under Chuck Smith at Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, California, until 1981. After he married Lenya, the couple moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he worked in the medical field of radiology. In 1982, Skip began a home Bible study which eventually grew into Calvary Albuquerque. In 1988 and 1989, Calvary Albuquerque was considered the fastest growing church in America. Today, Calvary Albuquerque ministers to over 14,000 people every weekend. Several other churches have spun off from Calvary Albuquerque, including churches in Arizona, Colorado, and other parts of New Mexico.

Skip reaches out to thousands across the nation and throughout the world through his multi-media ministry, including a nationwide half-hour radio program, The Connection.

Skip also helps equip others for living according to God’s principles through his writings. Some of his recent books include The Daily God Book, Church? Who Needs It, and How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It (revised). He also publishes over two dozen booklets in the Lifestyle Series, covering aspects of Christian living.

Skip holds a B.A., M.A. and Doctor of Divinity, and a Ph.D. in Philosophy Biblical and Theological Studies from Trinity Southwest University. He has been awarded a doctor honoris causa from GFA Biblical Seminary. He currently serves on several Boards of Directors, including Samaritan’s Purse.

Son Nathan and daughter-in-law Janaé made Skip and Lenya the proud grandparents of Seth Nathaniel and Kaydence Joy.


Samy has been sharing the Gospel with Muslims for over 30 years. He speaks on God’s love towards sinners and how we can communicate the Gospel effectively to the people we meet, including Muslims.

Samy’s passion is to encourage every member in the body of Christ to be active in fulfilling the Great Commission. His wife Hala often joins him to share her story of imprisonment in Egypt for converting from Islam to Christianity.


Jim Keavney is the founding and senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Morris Hills, Dover, NJ. His goal is to teach the Bible with simplicity and passion as well as a direct application to our daily lives.

 “Changed By Love” is the Radio Teaching Ministry of Calvary Chapel Morris Hills located in the heart of Morris County NJ.

Pastor Jim is a later life convert, who received a later life call to the ministry after many years in the business world. He has been blessed to see the Lord create several businesses, a church, and even a radio station from nothing. Originally from Long Island, Jim lives in NJ with his beautiful wife Pam and their three great kids.

When describing his conversion, Jim simply says, “I was Changed By Love.”


Alistair Begg has been in pastoral ministry since 1975. Following graduation from The London School of Theology, he served eight years in Scotland at both Charlotte Chapel in Edinburgh and Hamilton Baptist Church.

In 1983, he became the senior pastor at Parkside Church near Cleveland, Ohio. He has written several books and is heard daily and weekly on the radio program, Truth For Life. The teaching on Truth For Life stems from the week by week Bible teaching at Parkside Church.

He and his wife, Susan, were married in 1975 and they have three grown children.


Cheryl was born the youngest daughter of Pastor Chuck and Kay Smith. At a very young age, her father instilled in her a love for Biblical truth. Cheryl’s mom is the one who infused her with a passion and enthusiasm for the promises and exhortations of Scripture.

Although Cheryl grew up in a Godly home, she experienced a two-year personal crisis of faith during her senior year of high school and first year of college. Introduced to intellectualism, and stumbled by an emotional upheaval, she almost surrendered her faith. “I began to write in my journal about the wonder of man’s accomplishments and genius…and my thoughts took a different turn. I started outlining all the destructive things that man’s wisdom has led to. Suddenly, I felt a presence enter the room.” Cheryl describes this as the time Jesus presented Himself to her and asked, “What will you do with Me?” It was at this time that Cheryl made a full surrender of her life to Jesus Christ.

Almost two years later Cheryl met her soul mate and the man who would become the love of her life, Brian Brodersen. On May 23, 1980, Cheryl and Brian were wed by her father at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. A year later God graced Brian and Cheryl with their first child, a beautiful girl, Kristyn. Three more siblings would later join Kristyn: including brother Char, sister Kelsey, and brother Braden.

In 1983, Brian and Cheryl moved to Vista, California, where Brian assumed the pastorate of a small Calvary Chapel. At Calvary Chapel Vista, Cheryl first began to minister to woman on a weekly basis, teaching through the Bible. Cheryl loved exploring Biblical truths and then communicating those truths to the women at Vista. Some of Cheryl’s most treasured friendships were formed during her thirteen years serving beside her husband in Vista.

In 1996, Brian and Cheryl moved to London, England, with their four children. Brian established a Calvary Chapel in Westminster, London. On the first Sunday at Calvary Chapel Westminster, there were only eight people in attendance beyond Brian and Cheryl’s own family. However, God was faithful to add daily to the fellowship in London an assembly of precious sinners made saints by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In the 2000, at the request of Cheryl’s father, Brian and Cheryl returned to California to have Brian transition into the pastorate of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. Since returning, Cheryl has assumed from her mother the Joyful Life women’s Bible teaching


David Guzik is a pastor, Bible teacher, and author of a widely used Bible commentary.

David has been in Christian service for more than 35 years, including two church plants and more than seven years as a missionary in Germany, as director and teacher for an international school (Calvary Chapel Bible College Germany).

David earned a Bachelors of Arts degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1991. Through the years of David’s pastoral ministry and writing of the Bible commentary, he had no formal Bible College or seminary training. David earned a Masters of Divinity (MDiv) degree from Calvary Chapel University in 2021.

David is married to Inga-Lill for more than 39 years and together they have three adult children and two grandchildren.


Jeff Johnson is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Downey, California. He has traveled extensively to many parts of the world lecturing and preaching the Word of God. In addition, his teachings are now being heard daily with the radio program “Sound Doctrine.”

Jeff has been involved in the ministry since 1973 as a Pastor/Teacher and Bible Expositor. The emphasis within his ministry is a verse by verse study of the Word of God, giving its full counsel. His studies pay particular attention to the practical application, contemporary examples, and incorporation of the Word into our daily lives. As a result, his studies are extremely interesting, informative, and spiritually challenging. His influence has experienced a steady and substantial growth over the years with people of all ages.

Under the ministry of Jeff Johnson, Calvary Chapel of Downey has grown to average weekly attendance of more than 9,000. Teaching seminars, Bible classes, home studies, various training programs, mission outreaches, as well as a Christian Elementary & Jr./Sr. High School, and Bible college meet the needs of this large body. Calvary Chapel’s impact is growing from Southern California to virtually around the world.

Jeff is supported in his ministry by his wife Karyn.




On November 29, 1975, 3 years after accepting Jesus Christ, Raul Ries was ordained by Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and his small home Bible study grew into the Fox Theater, then to Calvary Chapel West Covina and eventually into Calvary Chapel Golden Springs in Diamond Bar, California in 1993.

Although already ordained, Ries desired to study God’s Word more in-depth so he attended APU where he received his Master of Ministry, a Master of Divinity and a Master of Arts in Religion between 1976 and 1990. He went on to Fuller Theological Seminary to receive his Doctorate of Ministry in 1992.

Ries believed that he would teach and preach his entire life. However, his ability to serve the Lord almost came to an end in February, 2007. At his Wednesday evening service, Raul knew something was wrong physically but what lay ahead was unexpected.

Raul experienced flashbacks for the first time since the Vietnam War.

He knew, rationally, that he was in his home but the fears of war came rushing back. He lay prostrate in his home, praying and praising the Lord as tears ran down his face. He and his wife, Sharon, thought their time in ministry was over.

The flashbacks grew more frequent and more intense. After testing, he was diagnosed with seizures that affect the five senses.

His family, the body of Christ and Pastor Chuck Smith prayed for him and he felt the Holy Spirit heal him. He has not experienced another flashback.

Today, more than 35 years after his miraculous conversion, Ries is heard internationally on more than 350 radio stations and translators on his daily syndicated radio program, Somebody Loves You and is the evangelist for the Somebody Loves You Crusades.

12:30AM + 7:30AM + 11:30AM + 5:00PM | ABOUNDING GRACE | PASTOR ED TAYLOR

Pastor Ed Taylor grew up in Southern California. Having responded to the gospel in 1991 at Calvary Chapel Downey, he spent eight years learning, growing, and serving there. In July of 1999, sensing the call of God, Ed and his family moved to the Denver area hoping to be used by God. In December 1999, Calvary Church began Sunday services in Aurora, and today it impacts the community for Jesus in wonderful ways.


Pastor Ed's heart is to be transparent from the pulpit for he truly desires that everyone, from all walks of life, will embrace Jesus and grow in His grace. Ed and his wife, Marie, have been married for over 27 years and have three children – of whom their elder son, Eddie, went to be with the Lord in 2013. Ed and Marie also have a precious grandson, Eddie’s son, Levi.

Ed is the author of the book "Ordinary Servant," the host of the Lead2Serve Podcast, and the Bible Teacher of Abounding Grace, a national radio broadcast.


Pastor Brian Brodersen grew up in Southern California. He became a Christian at age 22 and began attending Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, pastored by Chuck Smith. He met his wife, Cheryl, the youngest daughter of Pastor Chuck and Kay Smith, at a Bible study in Huntington Harbor. They were married on May 23, 1980, and have four grown children, five grandsons, and one granddaughter.


Brian served in youth ministry and taught Bible studies. Then in 1983, he and Cheryl moved to Vista, California, where he assumed the pastorate of Calvary Chapel Vista. During those years, he began traveling overseas, initially to Yugoslavia and Hungary, and this led to Calvary Chapel’s outreach to Eastern Europe. Many young men and women were sent out from California in those early days of ministry as pastors and missionaries, and currently there are numerous churches, Bible colleges, and retreat centers all over Western and Eastern Europe.


In 1996, the Brodersen family moved to London, England, to plant Calvary Chapel Westminster. The church began small, but God blessed the ministry, and thankfully, there are now dozens of affiliated Calvary Chapel churches throughout Great Britain.


In the year 2000, at the request of Pastor Chuck, the family returned to California to transition into the pastorate of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. Brian began ministering alongside Pastor Chuck, as well as traveling and teaching at many conferences both nationally and internationally. Pastor Brian was elected to serve as senior pastor in October 2013.


Brian is known for his clear and challenging exposition of the Scriptures and can be heard daily on his Bible-teaching program, Back to Basics.



Pastor of Refuge Calvary Chapel Huntington Beach, Bill Welsh came to Christ in 1970, and soon after began his journey of ministry work. He served as a worship leader, youth leader and took on various other ministry roles until becoming a pastor in the Coachella valley in 1978. With a heart for missions work and church planting, Bill, his wife Joy and their four children began doing missions trips to Australia in 1987 and eventually moved to Melbourne, Australia in 1991 where they started Calvary Chapel Melbourne.

After expired visas sent the family stateside, Bill served on staff at Calvary Chapel Albuquerque for two years before accepting a call to pastor in Huntington Beach, Ca in 1997, where he still serves today. Serving not only within the walls of Refuge.

His passion is to not only share the Gospel with the lost, but to equip believers to impact the world around them for Jesus, until He calls us all home.



Born in the steel town of Gary, Indiana, Tony, along with his older brother and sister, was raised by loving parents who instilled the ethics of hard work and moral character. As a youngster, he dutifully attended weekly church services, yet had no understanding of what it meant to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

He went to church on Sundays, but lived life “his own way” Monday through Saturday. Growing up, not only was Tony an exceptional athlete but he also excelled academically. Because of his God-given ability, after graduation, Tony was offered an academic scholarship to Indiana State University and a baseball scholarship to Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. With both of these great opportunities available, Tony contemplated which scholarship he would choose. He chose the academic route and attended Indiana State. Though he didn’t know it at the time, Tony’s decision would change the course of his life forever!

After his first year in college, Tony decided to marry his high school sweetheart, Jenise, and join the United States Marine Corps. After boot camp, instead of starting a life with his new bride, Tony received military orders to be stationed in Okinawa, Japan. Going to this foreign land was more than an overseas adventure because it was here that he made a life-changing God commitment. He thrived in this newfound relationship and began learning about the Bible. It was in Okinawa that the Lord revealed to Tony that one day he would become a pastor.

When Tony returned to the states, he continued in his walk with the Lord and became an assistant pastor with a local church. Still in the Marine Corps and stationed at Camp Pendleton, in San Mateo, Tony had a 70 mile round trip commute. He would use this time to learn more about the Bible by tuning in to Calvary Chapel’s radio station, KWAVE. Over time, Tony grew increasingly interested in the “new” teaching style of Calvary Chapel and began attending Calvary Chapel Vista.

When Tony’s enlistment in the Marine Corps ended, he was asked by Pastor Brian Brodersen to join his pastoral staff. After a few years at Calvary Chapel Vista, Tony began thinking about the idea of pastoring a church. But where would it be? Only God would know!

Joey Buran, who, at the time pastored Calvary Chapel Hampton Roads, would periodically call Tony to tell him about the ministry opportunities in Virginia. Even though Tony had never been to the East Coast, he decided to visit Virginia. After much prayer, Tony knew for certain that Newport News, Virginia was the place that God would have him to be a pastor.

In September 1994, Tony, Jenise, and their three children, Erin, Tony Jr., and Eric, made the trek from Vista, California to Newport News, Virginia. October 1994 marks the date that Calvary Chapel Newport News was established.

Today, Calvary Chapel Newport News is a multi-cultural fellowship with members from over 30 countries represented. More than 2,500 people call Calvary Chapel Newport News home and are inspired by Tony’s simplistic, yet life-changing teaching style. A sought after Bible teacher, he often travels around the country to preach the Gospel message. His radio program, “The Word Made Plain,” is heard daily by millions.

Though Tony didn’t know it, God directed his life from the very beginning. For example, KWAVE, the radio station that Tony listened to as a young marine during his long commute to work, now airs his weekly messages!

The desire of Tony’s heart is to see the community of Newport News and the Hampton Roads area transformed by continuing to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ. Tony continues to heed the call by passionately studying God’s Word, prayerfully seeking the Lord’s direction for His church, and vigorously pouring love into the lives of the people God leads his way – persevering until He comes!


Lloyd Pulley has served as senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Old Bridge in central New Jersey since 1984. His transparent verse-by-verse teaching style encourages believers to apply rich Scriptural truths to their daily lives.

Lloyd is the author of three books, including Under His Influence: Yielding to the Work of the Holy Spirit, and Everyday Conversations: Eternal Impact. His teaching is heard daily on the Bridging the Gap radio program, which broadcasts on radio stations throughout the country.

Under Lloyd’s leadership, God has expanded the ministry of CC Old Bridge to include the thriving Calvary Christian School and the growing Bridge Christian Radio network, which will soon expand to broadcast from the heart of Times Square in New York City.

Pastor Lloyd and his wife Karen have two children, and three grandchildren.


Jon Courson has amassed more than 1,500 expositional and topical Bible studies during his ministry. He is the author of A Future and a Hope, A Day’s Journey, and A Place For You, A Pillar By Day, and the 3-volume Jon Courson’s Application Commentary.

In 1977, Jon Courson founded the Applegate Christian Fellowship, a non-denominational church in southern Oregon with a congregation of twenty people. The congregation grew to over 8,000 under Courson’s leadership. In 2002, Courson accepted a request to join his longtime mentor and friend Chuck Smith at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in California. In 2005, Courson moved on to teach at a pastor training school in Carmen Serdan, Mexico for young men.

In March of 2006 Jon left Carmen Serdan to move back to southern Oregon to join his son Peter-John Courson pastoring at Applegate Christian Fellowship. He also continues to teach the pastor training school which was relocated to the Mountaintop Retreat Center, which is a part of the ministry of Applegate Christian Fellowship.

Jon lives in Southern Oregon with his wife Tammy. They have four children and two grandchildren. Jon’s first wife went home to be with the Lord a number of years ago. Jessie, his eldest daughter, went home to be with the Lord when she was 16 years old. Both died in car accidents.


Daniel came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in April of 1998 while he was in his last year at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. After spending a few years as a professional musician (upright and electric bass), Daniel felt called into the pastoral ministry. He was taken on staff at Calvary Chapel Marin under the direction of Pastor John Henry Corcoran in January of 2000.

After being ordained in 2002, Daniel was sent out to plant Calvary Chapel New Brunswick, located in New Jersey. In November of 2006, that church was turned over to his successor so that Daniel could move back to the San Francisco Bay Area to plant more churches.

While in the Bay Area, Daniel planted Calvary North Bay in Mill Valley, CA. In 2010, while continuing to pastor the church in Mill Valley, Daniel planted Calvary San Francisco. In 2012, Daniel turned over both churches to move to Vancouver, Washington to become the Lead Pastor at Crossroads Community Church where he presently serves. He is also the founder of the Calvary Church Planting Networkwhich helps facilitate church planters.

Daniel has a unique style of teaching that takes the timeless truth of Scripture and makes it applicable and simple for men and women of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds in today’s society. His teachings can be accessed at,through iTunes podcasts, YouTube videos and at His popular #2MinuteMessage can be found on his Facebook page. The Jesus is Real radio ministry that features messages from Daniel is on 40+ stations across the country.

Daniel is also a gifted writer and a featured contributor to “Preaching Today.” He has published articles with Leadership Journal,, and His book “Ahead of the Curve” is currently available on and his second book, “Honestly”, is slated to be published by NavPress, in the spring of 2016.

Daniel has taught at churches, retreats, youth rallies, leadership seminars, seminaries, college campuses, and pastor’s conferences both in the States and abroad.

Daniel’s passion for the lost keeps him playing music and drinking coffee in and around the great city of Portland where he is able to minister outside the four walls of the church.


When Pastor Jim was 17 years old and a senior in High School, he heard for the first time that Jesus loved him, died for him and if he would receive Him, He would give him everlasting life. Jim said yes and Jesus changed his life.

A few years later he was given an opportunity to teach the Bible for the first time, and from that day, he knew what God had called him to do: teach others the simple truths about Jesus. When Jim was 23, he was hired as an assisting pastor at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa where he served in youth ministry until 1998.

He has been pastoring Calvary Chapel Vero Beach since 1998. His heart’s desire for God’s people can be summed up in Paul’s words to the Ephesians: “‘Til we come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” Jim believes that the desire of God and the purpose of the Church is to be a place where we can grow in our relationship with Christ through the study of His Word.


Ben Garate is Senior Pastor at Calvary Chapel of Montrose. He gave his life to Jesus at the age of 13, and rededicated his life and began his walk with the Lord in January 1982 at Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, CA.

He was ordained in 1993 at Calvary Chapel of Vista, CA. The Lord moved he and his family to Colorado in January 1995 and onto ministry in Montrose in May 1996.

He and his wife, Judy have 4 married children, 8 grandchildren and more on the way! It is his desire that all will come to repentance and enter into an everlasting relationship with Jesus.


As the senior and teaching Pastor of Calvary Tucson, Robert is committed to the study of the Word and maintaining a close walk with God as he serves and shepherds the church. In early childhood, Robert had aspirations to become a pastor. This desire was either the product of his love for God or his perception that pastors worked only one day a week (he was to be in for a somewhat of a rude awakening!). When a youth leader challenged his faith in Christ, Robert received Jesus and became born again. Near the end of High School, Robert’s faith was shaken when his senior pastor and his long-time mentor were both caught in adulterous affairs. After a year of trying to live his own way, he returned to church and recommitted his life to Christ. 

It was after this recommitment that a vibrant, passionate new believer named Lisa caught his eye. They were soon married. Together they attended Calvary Albuquerque, where Robert began to serve as a youth pastor. Then, in 1985, Robert and Lisa moved with their young daughter to Tucson, Arizona, to teach a small Bible study. Soon after, the church began to thrive, and Calvary Tucson continues to grow today. Lisa Furrow was a driving force behind many ministries at Calvary Tucson. In addition to leading the Women’s Ministry, she and Robert together cast the vision for the Practical Christian Living Foundation raising thousands to build wells for fresh water in Asia, aiding an orphanage in Mexico and helping the chronically ill in Tucson. After almost 30 years of marriage and a one-year battle with stage 4 lung cancer, on December 15, 2012, Robert said goodbye as Lisa left this world and entered into heaven. Her ministries continue today, and she continues to encourage and inspire as more and more people are introduced to Lisa’s Blog

After this dark time in his life, Robert was blessed to find a light in Kathy, his loving wife, who he married in the spring of 2015. He enters into this new and fruitful season with much hope and expectation to reach the city of Tucson more than ever before.


George oversees the day to day activities of RenewFM while at the same time serving as the pastor of Horizon Christian Fellowship in Fitchburg, MA.

George’s engineering background and knowledge of station/antenna design and licensing are critical to the continued growth and effectiveness of RenewFM in sharing the Gospel message.

5:45AM | MUSIC

Pastor Eric Cartier believes the Lord’s house should be one of prayer and that the Bible should be taught verse-by-verse. His desire is to lead by example, to be a disciple, to make disciples, and to share God’s loving kindness with others.

Born and raised in Grants Pass, Oregon, Eric attended Applegate Christian Fellowship and came to know the Lord 28 years ago. Through teachings at Applegate and Calvary Bible College, God began to equip him for a life of ministry.

In March 2000, he accepted a permanent position with Rocky Mountain Calvary in Colorado Springs, Colorado that grew into overseeing and ministering to both teenagers and young adults. After five years of service, he accepted the position of senior pastor.

Eric is devoted to his beautiful wife of more than 10 years, Amber, and their three daughters. When he isn’t spending time with his family and serving the fellowship, he likes to hike, bike, snowboard, and camp – anything outdoors. Eric’s encouragement to new believers? “Commit to being in the Word and prayer.”

Philippians 1:6

“Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.”


Jack Hibbs is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, located in Southern California.

The church began in 1990 as a home fellowship church plant and today, with God’s blessing, the church ministers to tens of thousands each week.

Real Life is the media ministry of Jack Hibbs. Starting with Real Life Radio in 2005, todays Real Life Ministry also includes Real Life TV, Real Life Devotions, the Real Life App and the Real Life YouTube channel, as well as many other media outlets.

He is best known for his prophetic study of the Bible and his passionate expositional teaching of God’s word.

Pastor Jack and his wife, Lisa have been married for over forty years. He, his wife, and family live in Southern California


Al was born in Panama City, Florida in 1955. His father was a career soldier, so the family traveled extensively. In 1973, when Al was seventeen years old, the family returned from a tour in Germany and settled in Colorado Springs. Soon after, Al realized God’s call on his life and began serving in the music ministry as a bass guitarist with a Christian band called, “The Rays of Light.” It was during this time that Al met Norma, and they were married on July 19, 1975.

Al attended Nazarene Bible College in Colorado Springs, graduating in 1977 with a degree in Biblical Studies. Several years later he visited Calvary Chapel, which had opened across the street from where he worked. After attending one service, he was hooked, rejoicing to be taught the Word of God. He couldn’t get enough, and became involved in the worship band at Calvary Chapel, as well as performing with a local contemporary Christian band. In 1980, the Lord granted Al the privilege of becoming a full-time staff member with Calvary Chapel of Colorado Springs, where he conducted Friday evening outreach concerts along with other pastoral duties assigned to him. In 1991 Al and his family moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and two years later he joined the staff of Calvary Chapel Albuquerque as an assistant pastor and co-worship leader.

In 2006, Al earned his Master’s degree from Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Al and Norma are the proud parents of three children, Renee, Nathan and Reggie, as well as proud grandparents. They covet your prayers for their family and ministry as they endeavor to live a life pleasing to the Father. More info about Pastor Al can be found at

7:30AM + 11:30AM + 5:00PM + 12:30AM | ABOUNDING GRACE | PASTOR ED TAYLOR

Pastor Ed Taylor grew up in Southern California. Having responded to the gospel in 1991 at Calvary Chapel Downey, he spent eight years learning, growing, and serving there. In July of 1999, sensing the call of God, Ed and his family moved to the Denver area hoping to be used by God. In December 1999, Calvary Church began Sunday services in Aurora, and today it impacts the community for Jesus in wonderful ways.


Pastor Ed's heart is to be transparent from the pulpit for he truly desires that everyone, from all walks of life, will embrace Jesus and grow in His grace. Ed and his wife, Marie, have been married for over 27 years and have three children – of whom their elder son, Eddie, went to be with the Lord in 2013. Ed and Marie also have a precious grandson, Eddie’s son, Levi.

Ed is the author of the book "Ordinary Servant," the host of the Lead2Serve Podcast, and the Bible Teacher of Abounding Grace, a national radio broadcast.


Greg Laurie is the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship with campuses in California and Hawaii. He began his pastoral ministry at the age of 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed that small group into a church of some 15,000 people. Today, Harvest is one of the largest churches in America.

In 1990, Greg Laurie began holding large-scale public evangelistic events called Harvest Crusades. Since that time, more than 5.6 million people have attended Harvest Crusades events around the United States and internationally. More than 476,000 people have registered professions of faith through these outreaches.

Along with his work at Harvest Ministries, Greg Laurie served as the 2013 Honorary Chairman of the National Day of Prayer, and also serves on the board of directors of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. He holds honorary doctorates from Biola University and Azusa Pacific University.

Greg Laurie has a daily nationally syndicated radio program, A New Beginning, which is broadcast on more than 800 radio outlets around the world, as well as a weekly television program.

Greg Laurie has authored over 70 books including Live Love FightTell SomeoneGreatest Stories Ever ToldHope for Hurting HeartsAs It Is in Heaven, and his autobiography, Lost Boy. The accompanying documentary film, Lost Boy: The Next Chapter has won eight awards at international film festivals. His most recent film, Hope for Hurting Hearts, features his story of trusting God through tragedy.

Greg has been married to Cathe Laurie for 42 years and he has two sons, Christopher and Jonathan. Christopher went to be with the Lord in 2008. Greg and Cathe also have five grandchildren.


Pastor Jeff was ordained at Rocky Mountain Calvary Chapel in Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1992, where he served as an assistant pastor. In January of 1996, the Lord led Jeff and his wife Sue to Greeley, Colorado, where they started a Bible study in their living room. One year later, Calvary Chapel Greeley had its first Sunday morning service in a small facility in downtown Greeley.

Pastor Jeff has been faithful to give the “whole counsel of God’s Word” to his fellowship, teaching verse-by-verse through the entire Bible.

Since 2001, Jeff has served as a chaplain to the Weld County Sheriff’s Office.

Jeff and Sue have been married for 30 years and have four wonderful children – Barbara, Luke, Rachael, and David.


Born in Hollywood California, Louie was blessed to be part of a Christian home. Although raised in a Christian home, attending Calvary Chapel Downey, and its school, Christianity was last thing on his mind…surfing, skating, and girls were his priorities.

However, in Louie’s sophomore year, in 1992, he had a radical encounter with God. This incredible event took place while shooting hoops at his local park. Everything he was taught, everything he knew broke to the surface of his mind and heart. The Holy Spirit touched Louie’s heart in such a powerful way that his life was radically changed from that time on.

In 1993 he went on a high school mission trip to Russia to help a newly planted Calvary in Vladimir. It was on this mission trip his calling into the ministry was defined. There was nothing he wanted more than to serve Jesus with his life. As Louie began to grow and his calling being clear, Pastor Jeff Johnson asked if he would serve as the Jr. High Pastor at Calvary Chapel Downey in 1995.

He served as the Jr. High Pastor until 2003 when he moved his family to Denver Colorado to help Ed Taylor with a growing Calvary church plant in Aurora. Louie served and attended Calvary Chapel Aurora for nine years. He was also on staff at Calvary Aurora for a number of years before the Lord, in the spring of 2012, told him it was time to go. After much fasting and prayer the Lord made it very clear he was to pastor a small group of believers who were already meeting in the city of Denver. On September 30th 2012 Denver Calvary Chapel was born. Louie and his wife Tracy have three wonderful children.


As a pastor, church planter and missionary, Pastor Nick has a heart for the global mission of God through the Church.

Nick grew up in Denver, and came to know the Lord as a teenager. After finishing school, Nick spent 10 years as a missionary in Eastern Europe, first working with refugees and then church planting and pastoring churches in Hungary with Calvary Chapel. The churches Nick planted in the cities of Eger and Heves are now led by local leaders who were raised up through that ministry.

10 years later, the Lord led Nick and his family back to Colorado to be a part of the work that God is doing through White Fields Community Church in Longmont and beyond. Nick’s desire is to train and send people on God’s mission into His mission field: all the world, which He loves and for whom He gave His Son, Jesus.


Pastor Fernando Ortiz was born in Tacoma, Washington and before settling in Colorado he lived all over including Germany and Korea! He grew up going to church in Albuquerque, New Mexico and received Jesus as his Savior in Jr. High.

Fernando attended Calvary Chapel Bible College in Murrieta California, and then completed a Pastoral Internship at Calvary of Albuquerque, under Pastor Skip Heitzig. After that, he moved to Calvary Chapel Rio Rancho in New Mexico where he served as the youth pastor for three years. Following this the Lord called him to Denver to serve as an associate pastor at Calvary South Denver for six years. And then, in 2009, Mile High Calvary began as a small Bible study and has grown into a thriving fellowship today in Highlands Ranch, Colorado.

Fernando’s heart is to communicate the gospel to all of Denver and see people come to know Jesus as their Lord. He and his wife Carol have been married 10 years and have three children.

Philippians 3:10 “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death…”


Pastor Jeff was born and raised in San Diego, California and is married to Jodi – his high school sweetheart.

They have two married daughters with six grandchildren from ages one to sixteen. Their family is still growing through the gracious love of Jesus!

After responding to the gospel message in 1993, Jeff got plugged into Horizon Christian Fellowship in San Diego, where he and Jodi spent the next 10 years growing in the gospel and raising a family.

Christian ministry has had many different serving opportunities, which have included:

Running a boys' home, mission trips across Mexico, Bible smuggling operations across Asia, and leading annual tours to Israel - in addition to helping with church plants along the way.

Over the past thirty years, Jeff has experienced God's favor with ongoing ministry both inside and outside of the church walls. In fact, Jeff has had the opportunity to serve Jesus in his professional years in law enforcement, while also opening a real estate business with Jodi.

During those years of providing for his family, Jeff also attained a Bachelor’s degree in business administration, and also went on to a graduate program at Dallas Theological Seminary for Christian Leadership.

“As I survey the last 30 years of my life, I’m reminded that not all the years are picture-perfect and easy. In fact, through many of the years there was much pain and struggle while growing in Jesus. But, without question I can tell you that Jesus never left me alone! I pray that you too will see there is No Greater Love than Jesus in your life.”

- Blessings, Pastor Jeff


Skip Heitzig is a native of southern California, and experienced the volatile days of the counter-culture in the late 60s and early 70s. Though raised in a religious home, Skip saw religion as a dead-end street with no answers. As a teenager, he got caught up in drugs and ventured into the occult. But God reached Skip one day in 1973 as he was watching a Billy Graham crusade on TV. The Gospel message penetrated his soul and he knelt and prayed to receive Christ.

Skip studied under Chuck Smith at Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, California, until 1981. After he married Lenya, the couple moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he worked in the medical field of radiology. In 1982, Skip began a home Bible study which eventually grew into Calvary Albuquerque. In 1988 and 1989, Calvary Albuquerque was considered the fastest growing church in America. Today, Calvary Albuquerque ministers to over 14,000 people every weekend. Several other churches have spun off from Calvary Albuquerque, including churches in Arizona, Colorado, and other parts of New Mexico.

Skip reaches out to thousands across the nation and throughout the world through his multi-media ministry, including a nationwide half-hour radio program, The Connection.

Skip also helps equip others for living according to God’s principles through his writings. Some of his recent books include The Daily God Book, Church? Who Needs It, and How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It (revised). He also publishes over two dozen booklets in the Lifestyle Series, covering aspects of Christian living.

Skip holds a B.A., M.A. and Doctor of Divinity, and a Ph.D. in Philosophy Biblical and Theological Studies from Trinity Southwest University. He has been awarded a doctor honoris causa from GFA Biblical Seminary. He currently serves on several Boards of Directors, including Samaritan’s Purse.

Son Nathan and daughter-in-law Janaé made Skip and Lenya the proud grandparents of Seth Nathaniel and Kaydence Joy.

11:30AM + 5:00PM + 12:30AM + 7:30AM | ABOUNDING GRACE | PASTOR ED TAYLOR

Pastor Ed Taylor grew up in Southern California. Having responded to the gospel in 1991 at Calvary Chapel Downey, he spent eight years learning, growing, and serving there. In July of 1999, sensing the call of God, Ed and his family moved to the Denver area hoping to be used by God. In December 1999, Calvary Church began Sunday services in Aurora, and today it impacts the community for Jesus in wonderful ways.


Pastor Ed's heart is to be transparent from the pulpit for he truly desires that everyone, from all walks of life, will embrace Jesus and grow in His grace. Ed and his wife, Marie, have been married for over 27 years and have three children – of whom their elder son, Eddie, went to be with the Lord in 2013. Ed and Marie also have a precious grandson, Eddie’s son, Levi.

Ed is the author of the book "Ordinary Servant," the host of the Lead2Serve Podcast, and the Bible Teacher of Abounding Grace, a national radio broadcast.


On November 29, 1975, 3 years after accepting Jesus Christ, Raul Ries was ordained by Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and his small home Bible study grew into the Fox Theater, then to Calvary Chapel West Covina and eventually into Calvary Chapel Golden Springs in Diamond Bar, California in 1993.

Although already ordained, Ries desired to study God’s Word more in-depth so he attended APU where he received his Master of Ministry, a Master of Divinity and a Master of Arts in Religion between 1976 and 1990. He went on to Fuller Theological Seminary to receive his Doctorate of Ministry in 1992.

Ries believed that he would teach and preach his entire life. However, his ability to serve the Lord almost came to an end in February, 2007. At his Wednesday evening service, Raul knew something was wrong physically but what lay ahead was unexpected.

Raul experienced flashbacks for the first time since the Vietnam War.

He knew, rationally, that he was in his home but the fears of war came rushing back. He lay prostrate in his home, praying and praising the Lord as tears ran down his face. He and his wife, Sharon, thought their time in ministry was over.

The flashbacks grew more frequent and more intense. After testing, he was diagnosed with seizures that affect the five senses.

His family, the body of Christ and Pastor Chuck Smith prayed for him and he felt the Holy Spirit heal him. He has not experienced another flashback.

Today, more than 35 years after his miraculous conversion, Ries is heard internationally on more than 350 radio stations and translators on his daily syndicated radio program, Somebody Loves You and is the evangelist for the Somebody Loves You Crusades.


In 1965 Pastor Chuck Smith started his ministry at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. Beginning with a mere 25 people, he saw God bless his simple, yet consistent style of teaching straight through the Bible.

Today Calvary Chapel draws over 10,000 attendees weekly. With a genuine heart for the lost, Pastor Chuck made room in his ministry for a generation of hippies, surfers, and drug addicts.

This generated a stirring of the Holy Spirit, which spread from the California coast to the Atlantic and beyond. This movement was instrumental in bringing thousands of young people to Jesus Christ during the 60s and 70s in what was known as the Jesus People Movement.


Pastor John was born and raised in the south, where he grew up in the church and watched his parents faithfully worship and serve the Lord. At the age of seven, John asked Jesus to be his Savior.

After graduating from Auburn University in 1999, John and his wife Amy were married and moved to Colorado. After a few months, they began attending Horizon Christian Fellowship Denver, a church committed to the Word. Under the tutelage of Pastor Dave Love, John served as both a worship leader and a home fellowship teacher for 10 years. During this time, the Lord also blessed John and Amy with three beautiful children.

In 2010, John felt God’s calling to plant a church in Golden, Colorado and was ordained as a pastor through Horizon Denver. For a year and a half John served as the pastor of Horizon Golden and was blessed to see the congregation grow both in fellowship and spiritual maturity. In February 2012, the Lord called John away from Horizon Golden to become the pastor at Legacy Christian Fellowship. Though the move was unexpected, John learned through the process that when the Lord says “move,” you MOVE!

John believes strongly that the Christian walk must be shepherded by the Word, and he is committed to teaching the Bible chapter-by-chapter and verse-by-verse. John also keeps his eyes fixed on the Calvary Chapel vision: Win, Disciple, Send. WIN people to the Lord, DISCIPLE them to follow Christ, and SEND them out to witness for Christ by the leading of the Holy Spirit.


Pastor Jack Abeelen was born in The Hague, The Netherlands and raised in Holland. When he was seven he came to the United States and lived in Michigan and Louisiana until finally settling in Southern California. He was raised in a Catholic home and attended parochial school from elementary through high school.

At the age of 18, in 1972, Jack came to know the Lord in the home study of a friend (which he later took over and began leading). In 1980 Jack was given the opportunity to join a church staff as an assistant pastor. Five years later, in 1985, Morningstar Christian Church in Whittier, California was born out of a home fellowship that began in 1984 with just two couples.

Pastor Jack’s gift of teaching is clearly seen in the easy and yet relative way he communicates the Word of God. His desire is that those who hear his message might turn to the God who loves them and His only Son, Jesus Christ, who He sent to save them from their sins.

Jack and his wife Debbie have two sons, Jacob and David and five grandchildren. When not serving his fellowship he likes to golf and bike. Pastor Jack says that Leviticus 10:1-2 has helped him to remain focused and given him wisdom in the ministry. Pastor Jack’s encouragement to new believers is, “Become convinced that God’s Word is just that, and act accordingly!”


Pastor Dave Pierce is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Collins.

Dave first became a follower of Jesus Christ at the age of eight in 1975.

He grew up in the Assembly of God & Foursquare ministries.

In high school Dave struggled to maintain his walk with the Lord & experimented with the world searching for the latest high.

He soon discovered the emptiness of the world & realized he had already met 'The Most High.'

At FIDM college in Los Angeles pursuing a fashion design career Dave heard that inner call of God telling him that

'God had not called him to clothe the outer man with garments perishable but the inner man with garments imperishable.'

Soon thereafter Dave quit college to wholeheartedly pursue the call of God in Christ Jesus.

In 1992 Dave married his beautiful wife Angel and together they have three adult children.

In the Spring of 1992 Dave & Angel began attending Calvary Chapel West Covina (now Calvary Chapel Golden Springs) under the teaching ministry of Pastor Raul Ries.

There, Dave & Angel served for five years. Dave first served in the letter writers ministry (answering mail from Pastor Raul's radio ministry.)

He also taught a home fellowship & in the Golden Springs Bible College.

While a student in the "Golden Springs Pastoral School" Dave began to pray for God's direction where his family would plant a Calvary Chapel church.

Through many confirmations Dave & Angel felt the Lord calling them to Fort Collins, Colorado & moved out in faith in May of 1997.

In September of 1997 they started Bible Studies in their home.

Pastor Dave & his family have been faithfully serving the community of Fort Collins for over 24 years.

In October of 2014 Dave left his full time job of 25 years as a delivery courier with Fedex Express to become the full time pastor/teacher at Calvary Fort Collins.

Pastor Dave is the featured teacher of the radio ministry 'Overflow.’


As a pastor, church planter and missionary, Pastor Nick has a heart for the global mission of God through the Church.

Nick grew up in Denver, and came to know the Lord as a teenager. After finishing school, Nick spent 10 years as a missionary in Eastern Europe, first working with refugees and then church planting and pastoring churches in Hungary with Calvary Chapel. The churches Nick planted in the cities of Eger and Heves are now led by local leaders who were raised up through that ministry.

10 years later, the Lord led Nick and his family back to Colorado to be a part of the work that God is doing through White Fields Community Church in Longmont and beyond. Nick’s desire is to train and send people on God’s mission into His mission field: all the world, which He loves and for whom He gave His Son, Jesus.


Pastor Eric Cartier believes the Lord’s house should be one of prayer and that the Bible should be taught verse-by-verse. His desire is to lead by example, to be a disciple, to make disciples, and to share God’s loving kindness with others.

Born and raised in Grants Pass, Oregon, Eric attended Applegate Christian Fellowship and came to know the Lord 28 years ago. Through teachings at Applegate and Calvary Bible College, God began to equip him for a life of ministry.

In March 2000, he accepted a permanent position with Rocky Mountain Calvary in Colorado Springs, Colorado that grew into overseeing and ministering to both teenagers and young adults. After five years of service, he accepted the position of senior pastor.

Eric is devoted to his beautiful wife of more than 10 years, Amber, and their three daughters. When he isn’t spending time with his family and serving the fellowship, he likes to hike, bike, snowboard, and camp – anything outdoors. Eric’s encouragement to new believers? “Commit to being in the Word and prayer.”

Philippians 1:6

“Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.”


Pastor Jeff was ordained at Rocky Mountain Calvary Chapel in Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1992, where he served as an assistant pastor. In January of 1996, the Lord led Jeff and his wife Sue to Greeley, Colorado, where they started a Bible study in their living room. One year later, Calvary Chapel Greeley had its first Sunday morning service in a small facility in downtown Greeley.

Pastor Jeff has been faithful to give the “whole counsel of God’s Word” to his fellowship, teaching verse-by-verse through the entire Bible.

Since 2001, Jeff has served as a chaplain to the Weld County Sheriff’s Office.

Jeff and Sue have been married for 30 years and have four wonderful children – Barbara, Luke, Rachael, and David.


Do you have questions & need answers? Call (303-690-3000) or Text (720-336-0897). Our Pastors will be LIVE and on the air M-F from 4-5PM.

Hearing from you is a blessing and praying with you is a privilege - and we would love to do both!

Don't hesitate, tune in and join us for Calvary LIVE

5:00PM + 12:30AM + 7:30AM + 11:30AM | ABOUNDING GRACE | PASTOR ED TAYLOR

Pastor Ed Taylor grew up in Southern California. Having responded to the gospel in 1991 at Calvary Chapel Downey, he spent eight years learning, growing, and serving there. In July of 1999, sensing the call of God, Ed and his family moved to the Denver area hoping to be used by God. In December 1999, Calvary Church began Sunday services in Aurora, and today it impacts the community for Jesus in wonderful ways.


Pastor Ed's heart is to be transparent from the pulpit for he truly desires that everyone, from all walks of life, will embrace Jesus and grow in His grace. Ed and his wife, Marie, have been married for over 27 years and have three children – of whom their elder son, Eddie, went to be with the Lord in 2013. Ed and Marie also have a precious grandson, Eddie’s son, Levi.

Ed is the author of the book "Ordinary Servant," the host of the Lead2Serve Podcast, and the Bible Teacher of Abounding Grace, a national radio broadcast.


Al was born in Panama City, Florida in 1955. His father was a career soldier, so the family traveled extensively. In 1973, when Al was seventeen years old, the family returned from a tour in Germany and settled in Colorado Springs. Soon after, Al realized God’s call on his life and began serving in the music ministry as a bass guitarist with a Christian band called, “The Rays of Light.” It was during this time that Al met Norma, and they were married on July 19, 1975.

Al attended Nazarene Bible College in Colorado Springs, graduating in 1977 with a degree in Biblical Studies. Several years later he visited Calvary Chapel, which had opened across the street from where he worked. After attending one service, he was hooked, rejoicing to be taught the Word of God. He couldn’t get enough, and became involved in the worship band at Calvary Chapel, as well as performing with a local contemporary Christian band. In 1980, the Lord granted Al the privilege of becoming a full-time staff member with Calvary Chapel of Colorado Springs, where he conducted Friday evening outreach concerts along with other pastoral duties assigned to him. In 1991 Al and his family moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and two years later he joined the staff of Calvary Chapel Albuquerque as an assistant pastor and co-worship leader.

In 2006, Al earned his Master’s degree from Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Al and Norma are the proud parents of three children, Renee, Nathan and Reggie, as well as proud grandparents. They covet your prayers for their family and ministry as they endeavor to live a life pleasing to the Father. More info about Pastor Al can be found at


Join Pastor Josh Weidmann, lead Pastor of Grace Chapel in Englewood, CO as he invites you to be inspired by scripture to live your life to have a great impact in the world where God has placed you.

Together we’ll take the truth of God’s Word and seek to live out the Gospel, daily.


Pastor David grew up during the tumultuous 60's. A by-product of the “love” generation, and a fringe member of the hippie movement, David spent more than five years involved in drug and alcohol abuse. At the age of 20, David nearly overdosed. When he awoke, he was paralyzed and lying on his back in a stupor.

It was at this time that David called out to God to spare his life. After attending a Maranatha! concert David gave his heart to Jesus Christ in December of 1970. Shortly after, he went into the Army, spending 21 months of active duty with the 82nd Airborne Division. David was discharged from the Army he studied theology at Biola College, and soon began to teach home Bible studies.

After being ordained in 1979, he worked for a small church in Claremont, CA before starting Calvary Ontario in 1981. As the church continued to grow, the group moved from homes to a rented church to school auditoriums. Finally, over 12 acres of land was purchased in Chino, CA in 1992 that would become the home of Calvary Chapel Chino Valley, and has since grown to over 6,000 members.

Pastor David is supported in ministry by his wife Marie. They have four grown children and twelve grandchildren.


Calvary Church Live is the live audio stream of Calvary Church in Aurora, CO - the home church of Pastor Ed Taylor for over 24 years.

Live service times are (Mountain Time):

8:45AM & 10:45AM Sundays

7PM Wednesdays

6PM Saturdays

You can find out more about Calvary Church at:

You can also watch the service online at:


Greg Laurie is the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship with campuses in California and Hawaii. He began his pastoral ministry at the age of 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed that small group into a church of some 15,000 people. Today, Harvest is one of the largest churches in America.

In 1990, Greg Laurie began holding large-scale public evangelistic events called Harvest Crusades. Since that time, more than 5.6 million people have attended Harvest Crusades events around the United States and internationally. More than 476,000 people have registered professions of faith through these outreaches.

Along with his work at Harvest Ministries, Greg Laurie served as the 2013 Honorary Chairman of the National Day of Prayer, and also serves on the board of directors of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. He holds honorary doctorates from Biola University and Azusa Pacific University.

Greg Laurie has a daily nationally syndicated radio program, A New Beginning, which is broadcast on more than 800 radio outlets around the world, as well as a weekly television program.

Greg Laurie has authored over 70 books including Live Love FightTell SomeoneGreatest Stories Ever ToldHope for Hurting HeartsAs It Is in Heaven, and his autobiography, Lost Boy. The accompanying documentary film, Lost Boy: The Next Chapter has won eight awards at international film festivals. His most recent film, Hope for Hurting Hearts, features his story of trusting God through tragedy.

Greg has been married to Cathe Laurie for 42 years and he has two sons, Christopher and Jonathan. Christopher went to be with the Lord in 2008. Greg and Cathe also have five grandchildren.


Pastor Bill has been the Senior Pastor of Grace Church, Calvary Chapel Amarillo, since 1985. Bill’s number one focus has always been to feed God’s people with God’s word.

Bill and his wife Cindy have been married for over 35 years and they have 3 grown children, as well as 6 grandchildren.

Bill enjoys various outdoor activities such as riding his motorcycle, camping, and working in the yard with his wife. His greatest hobby is reading the Word of God.


David Guzik is a pastor, Bible teacher, and author of a widely used Bible commentary.

David has been in Christian service for more than 35 years, including two church plants and more than seven years as a missionary in Germany, as director and teacher for an international school (Calvary Chapel Bible College Germany).

David earned a Bachelors of Arts degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1991. Through the years of David’s pastoral ministry and writing of the Bible commentary, he had no formal Bible College or seminary training. David earned a Masters of Divinity (MDiv) degree from Calvary Chapel University in 2021.

David is married to Inga-Lill for more than 39 years and together they have three adult children and two grandchildren.


Damian Kyle is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Modesto.

He committed his life to the Lord in 1980 at Calvary Chapel Napa California at the age of 25. He had previously been employed as a cable splicer with a phone company. He and his family moved from Napa to Modesto in June of 1985 to plant a Calvary Chapel with the blessing of their home church.

He has two children, Tyler and Morgan, with his wife Karin.


Alistair Begg has been in pastoral ministry since 1975. Following graduation from The London School of Theology, he served eight years in Scotland at both Charlotte Chapel in Edinburgh and Hamilton Baptist Church.

In 1983, he became the senior pastor at Parkside Church near Cleveland, Ohio. He has written several books and is heard daily and weekly on the radio program, Truth For Life. The teaching on Truth For Life stems from the week by week Bible teaching at Parkside Church.

He and his wife, Susan, were married in 1975 and they have three grown children.


The Lord called Pastor Bill Luebkemann to lead Calvary Chapel of Marlton in 1997. Since then, he has faithfully served as senior pastor of both the church as well as overseeing Joyful Noise Christian School, an outreach ministry of Calvary Chapel of Marlton.

Calvary Chapel of Marlton is also home to the Hope FM radio ministry. At a conference in 1995, Pastor Chuck Smith exhorted pastors to prayerfully consider radio as an effective tool for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor Bill Luebkemann of Calvary Chapel of Marlton heard that message and caught the vision. While the initial application for a radio permit in 1999 was rejected by the FCC, God’s plan prevailed. After much prayer, engineering and legal work, Hope FM finally went on the air in November 2005. In the years since then it has grown into a network of 5 full power stations and about a dozen translators serving New Jersey, Central Southeastern Pennsylvania and Maryland.

Hope from the Word, the daily teaching ministry of Calvary Chapel of Marlton, reaches millions of potential listeners with clear Bible teaching. Bill’s passion for the Lord comes through in his verse by verse Bible teaching, never compromising the Word of God.

Pastor Bill also serves as a police chaplain with the Evesham Township Police Department in New Jersey. He is part of a support unit that is called on to accompany officers when there is difficult news to deliver. The unit also assists officers with the emotional side of their jobs. Pastor Bill stated, “We want to be there for them. They put their lives on the line every day for us.”

Bill has been married to his wife, Lynn, for 30+ years and they have three adult children.


Grace Upon Grace is the teaching ministry of J. Mark Martin, Senior Pastor of CalvaryPHX, a Calvary Chapel in Phoenix, Arizona.

CalvaryPHX was founded in 1982, and began with only 11 people in an elementary school band room. Today, it is home to thousands of believers who rejoice in the Good News of God's love and salvation by faith in Jesus Christ.

More info about CalvaryPHX and Mark Martin can be found at


Pastor Ty is currently the lead pastor of Watersprings Church in Idaho Falls, Idaho. He was

raised in Newport Beach, California until his family relocated to Idaho in the 70s.

While attending Idaho State University to pursue a degree in music education, Ty had a life-

altering encounter with Jesus that changed the trajectory of his future. Within just a few

months, the pressure of a music career had given way to a life surrendered to the pursuit of

God and the ministry of the Gospel.

Ty is still active and passionate about the arts and music and is a worship leader, songwriter,

and author. He serves the Watersprings community as the chief artisan, assisting the church

community in raising creatives from every generation of the church to share the message of

Jesus through music and media of every kind.

Ty is married to his wife of 30 years, Laurie, whom he met the day he gave his life to Jesus.

(There is no such thing as a coincidence in the Kingdom of God) They have 5 children and one

grandchild and are blessed to see their family continue to grow and walk with Jesus


Ty has been serving in a ministry since 1989 and has served most roles of both small and large

churches. But his two greatest loves in the ministry are teaching God’s Word in a way that is

applicable to every life and leading God’s people in the worship of our Creator God.


Bill Stonebraker was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, but spent most of his childhood in California. Married in 1965, he and his wife, Danita, have three children. The Stonebraker’s came to Hawaii in the late sixties; they currently reside in Honolulu. Early on, Bill opened his own business making surf boards, and his name came to be well-known within the local surfing community.

While living in Sunset Beach, Hawaii, Bill made a life-changing commitment to Jesus Christ, and began hosting and teaching Bible studies in his home. His ministry was directly influenced by Pastor Chuck Smith, of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, California. Finally in 1972 he began the North Shore Christian Fellowship. Three years later he received his ordination from the Maranatha! Evangelical Association of Calvary Chapel, following the completion of their Shepherd School (for pastoral training). He has also attended Fuller Theological Seminary.

Then in 1982, Bill turned NSCF over to his assistant pastor, Mike Stangel, and together with a small group of people began Calvary Chapel of Honolulu. The church met over the years at various locations before finally purchasing the former Empress Theater in 1988. The church congregation is now over 1,500.

In 1986 the church purchased KIFH radio, now broadcasting as KLHT Christian Radio at 1040 AM.

Bill’s teaching can be heard weekdays on the “As We Gather” radio program, broadcast in Hawaii over KLHT Radio, and nationwide over the Calvary Satellite Network.

Since the founding of Calvary Chapel of Honolulu, six other churches have begun, directly or strongly influenced by Bill Stonebraker’s ministry: Calvary Chapel of the Waianae Coast (1988); Calvary Chapel Windward (1989); Calvary Chapel Central Oahu (1990); Calvary Chapel Kauai (1990); Calvary Chapel West Oahu (1993); and Calvary Chapel Pearl Harbor (1994). The church also has ongoing missions work in the Philippines; and has done short term missions work in Fiji, Mexico, Nepal, India, Ethiopia, Japan, Poland, Russia, Tahiti, Vanuatu and Hungary.


Jeff Johnson is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Downey, California. He has traveled extensively to many parts of the world lecturing and preaching the Word of God. In addition, his teachings are now being heard daily with the radio program “Sound Doctrine.”

Jeff has been involved in the ministry since 1973 as a Pastor/Teacher and Bible Expositor. The emphasis within his ministry is a verse by verse study of the Word of God, giving its full counsel. His studies pay particular attention to the practical application, contemporary examples, and incorporation of the Word into our daily lives. As a result, his studies are extremely interesting, informative, and spiritually challenging. His influence has experienced a steady and substantial growth over the years with people of all ages.

Under the ministry of Jeff Johnson, Calvary Chapel of Downey has grown to average weekly attendance of more than 9,000. Teaching seminars, Bible classes, home studies, various training programs, mission outreaches, as well as a Christian Elementary & Jr./Sr. High School, and Bible college meet the needs of this large body. Calvary Chapel’s impact is growing from Southern California to virtually around the world.

Jeff is supported in his ministry by his wife Karyn.

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